"You are what you eat". That we can make hydrations and choose good hair products, everyone already knows, but what rare people are aware is to care with hair from the inside out. As important as what we choose to get through the threads are the foods we choose to ingest. In today's text let's talk about some foods that gonna change forever the well being and the health of your hair.

Go to the nearest supermarket and add in your cart:

1- Carrot

Carrots can make your hair healthier!

It offers two very important nutrients: beta-carotene, which is a great antioxidant and therefore rejuvenates hair, and the second is vitamin A that nourishes scalp cells and interferes with the production of natural oils.

Ideal quantity: 1 unit average per day.

2- Spinach

Containing iron, a mineral that participates in the formation of red blood cells, nourishes the hair follicles. In addition, it regulates the yarn growth cycle.

Ideal quantity: 1 dessert plate per day.

3- Oats

The grain contains silicon, a mineral capable of structuring keratin, a protein that forms hair. Oats also contain B vitamins and zinc. These two vitamins together promote growth and help control hormonal changes, which can lead to falling and grow of white wires ahead of time.

Ideal amount: 1 tablespoon

4- Orange

The benefit to the hair is in the pectin, white part that wraps around the buds. There are fibers that will help remove toxins, which, in excess, contribute to the increase of oiliness and the appearance of dandruff.

Ideal quantity: 1 unit

5- Strawberry

Strawberries can make your hair healthier!

The fruit has flavonoids and vitamin C, substances that activate the blood microcirculation in the scalp. With the help of these nutrients, the yarns grow faster, harder and less subject to falling, cracking and drying.

Ideal amount: 1 cup of tea per day.

6- Natural yogurt

Yogurt has amino acids that strengthen the yarns and vitamins of the B complex. They favor the deposit of keratin in the yarn, making it more full-bodied and resistant.

Ideal amount: 1 cup (200 ml) per day.

7- Chestnuts

Chesnuts can make your hair healthier!

This oleaginous one deserves space in its diet for offering zinc. The lack of this nutrient leaves hair thin, brittle and dull.

8- Salmon

Salmon is very good to your hair!

Salmon has high doses of omega-3 and selenium. Together, they fight inflammation, protect the scalp against ultraviolet radiation, improve circulation and the quantity of nutrients of hair bulb

Ideal amount: 1 medium fillet three times a week.


Written by Luiza Lima

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