Eggs hair hydration

Hydration with Egg in the Hair? Do you feel your hair is weak, malnourished and lifeless? So it's time for you to make this homemade recipe from Grandma's time, to make her hair beautiful again ...

I'm talking about moisturizing with egg, and it's not easier to make a feature because an egg yolk brings incredible benefits to the hair, it will make up for the work you're going to get through the egg in the hair ...

Come with me to learn how to make your hair beautiful and powerful with this excellent moisturizing with egg in the hair ...

Hydration with Egg in the Hair
The egg yolk has proteins and fats, and will help a restore your hair and leave the good and the new.

Hydration with egg in curly hair brings innumerable benefits such as eliminating dryness nutrition and controlling hair volume.

And the hydration with egg in the straight hair, also helps a lot, it increases the brightness and a strength of the smooth hair ...

So whatever the type of hair, you should use a moisturizing with egg yolk, which only for benefits to the hair ...

I will put down some amazing replicas for you to make an egg use in the hair, just choose one that you prefer and start with the benefit of the benefits the egg brings to the hair ...

What is it that you want to know?


Hydration with eggs and hair cream
Hydration with Egg and Hair Cream
This moisturizing is really cool, because the moisturizing cream and the apple cider vinegar slightly soften the smell of the egg yolk.

It is important that you choose a very fragrant capillary cream, to use in hair moisturizing, which disguises the smell of the egg, see how to do ...

Hydration Ingredients with Egg and Cream
• 1 egg yolk
• 2 tablespoons of moisturizing cream
• 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

Hair hydration with egg Yolk
How to prepare for homemade moisturizing with egg yolk:
1- Mix the yolk with a fork.

2- Add the hydration cream and the apple vinegar until a homogeneous mixture is formed.

How to use a moisturizing with egg yolk in the hair:
1- Wash your hair with your traditional shampoo.

2- Rinse the hair with a towel to remove excess moisture.

3- Apply the wick to the wick and leave it to act for half an hour (30 minutes), put a rolled paper or a plastic cap on the hair.

4- Wash your hair with water and your preferred conditioner.

5- Rinse again with water to remove the conditioner and let it dry naturally.

Hair hydration with egg and aloe
Hydration with Egg and Aloe
That a slug is wonderful for the hair and for a beauty you already know, already taught here not blog how to grow hair with slug, a hydration with slug and other more recipes ...

How about joining the power of slug, a nourishment of the egg yolk in the hair? This is what you want, so write down what you need to know.

Ingredients of Hydration with Egg and Aloe
• 2 tablespoons pulp or slug gel (gelatinous part from inside the leaf)
• 2 egg yolks
• 1 tablespoon of moisturizing cream

How to Prepare a Hydration with Egg and Aloe
1- Knead aloe gel with a fork.

2- Beat the egg yolk with a fork and add the slurry pulp, mix well.

3- Finally, add the hydration cream and mix until smooth.

Step by step how to moisturize hair with egg yolk and slug

1- Wash your hair with your traditional shampoo.

2- Rinse the hair with a towel to remove excess moisture.

3- Apply the mecha hydration to the wick and let it act for half an hour (30 minutes), using a plastic cap on the hair.

4- Wash your hair with water and shampoo again.

5- Apply your preferred conditioner.

6- Rinse with water to remove the conditioner and let it dry naturally.

hair hydration with eggs and olive oil
Hydration with Egg and Olive Oil
This is a more well-known and more traditional recipe of all things that are related to government and olive oil.

It is simple and easy to do but will greatly improve the health of your hair, some people can already see better in the hair on the first application.

See how easy it is to make this recipe ...

Moisturizing Ingredients with Egg Yolk and Olive Oil
• 2 egg yolks
• 2 tablespoons olive oil

How to prepare:
1- Place as egg yolks and olive oil in a bowl and beat thoroughly until a mixture of creamy and homogeneous.

How to Use Hydration with Egg Yolk and Olive Oil on Your Hair
1- Wash your hair with your traditional shampoo.

2- Rinse the hair with a towel to remove excess moisture.

3- Apply the mecha hydration to the wick and let it act for half an hour (30 minutes), using a plastic cap on the hair.

4- Wash your hair with water and shampoo again.

5- Apply your preferred conditioner.

6- Rinse with water to remove the conditioner and let it dry naturally.

1 commentaire



I used this recipe and i found it very useful for my hairs. Thanks for sharing. I have also read an article 3 Easy Natural Hair Conditioning Ways Using Eggs . Thanks to both of you

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