Attention to wash, dry and moisturize is key to conquer resistant wires

Rolled, flat, curly, light or dark. No matter what your hair type, surely you have wanted a wig to raze with shampoo commercial effect. And for that invested in creams, accessories and beauty salons. But it's likely that you've forgotten a "small" detail: the scalp. It is that each hair rises and therefore inherits the qualities so as defects. If this region is with excess oil, skin or constantly dirty, there is no court to resolve, the locks will always have the same problems.


Dermatologist Valcinir Bedin explains that the roots of the hair are the basis for strong wires. "The neglect of the scalp can cause dandruff, scaling, excessive oiliness and even damage the hair nutrition." The good news is that just a little attention to ensure healthy roots. Check the care following scalp.


1. At the time of washing

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You are adept at a nice hot shower and even wash your hair every day? The tactic may even be relaxing, but it's probably detonating your scalp - and in different ways. First, hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands of the region, responsible for the production of oils, which work more than normal. But the excess water resulting from daily washing will remove the natural oils, stimulating the glands to work harder to compensate for the lack of sebum. The result is the appearance of greasy double that can clog the pores that give way to the hair, and consequently hinder the distribution of such oil, important for full hydration by wire.


To avoid a disaster, Valcinir Bedin recommends that the washing is done with water at lower temperature than 25 degrees and preferably on alternate days. So you avoid the damage caused by excess water, without allowing the accumulation of dirt. "For very oily hair, if it fails to merge washings, is essential to observe the water temperature, which should be warm to cold," says the expert.


2. Rinse well

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The hairdresser Marilia Kikuchi, technical Condor consultant, says that the accumulation of products at the root of the hair can also clog the pores (hair follicles) of the scalp, which is where the hair comes out, damaging the wire nutrition. "This is common with the products of the type" 2 in 1 ", which add shampoo and conditioner in one formula," he explains. "In general, people do not fully remove this hair product, and the remnants end up accumulating in the scalp." But the problem can happen with any other product. The expert recommends conditioners and lotions are not applied directly to the root and the shampoo is thoroughly removed after cleaning.


3. Moisturizing to combat desquamation

Many people suffer from dryness of the scalp. The expert recommends that care when there is flaking, which can be caused by temperature drop: "In the cold, sweating is diminished, so there is dryness of the scalp and possibly flaking" he explains. There are specific products that can moisturize the scalp without letting it with slick appearance and not clog the pores of the scalp. Active ingredients such as urea and ammonium lactate, for example, have high emollient power. "While the lactate promotes hydration leather retaining water, urea has the main function moisturize and soften the hair," says Valcinir Bedin. Remember that the products that moisturize the scalp are not the same used to moisturize the wire. Use a hair mask in the region for this purpose can therefore aggravate the situation.


4. Dryer and flat iron

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For the wires are no products activated by the heat of the dryer and flat iron to give the necessary protection. But what about the roots? There is no product capable of mitigating the damage from excessive heat, the only solution is careful to do these procedures. Dermatologist Valcinir Bedin recommends keeping the dryer at a minimum distance of 30 cm from the root of the hair and flat iron to about a centimeter and a half of the scalp. The expert also makes the warning: by most popular and practice that the flat iron has become, we must remember that it damages the hair and can not be used as often.


5. Chemicals

progressive, permanent, permanent brush and other chemical procedure can trigger wires. The same danger runs the scalp. These products are acidic and therefore can burn and generate scaling scalp. "Ideally, the professional make a sensitivity test before applying the product," guides the hairdresser Marilia Kikuchi, technical consultant of the Condor.


6. Food nourishes the scalp

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hairs are composed of substances acquired through food, so a proper diet is crucial for the nutrients reach the scalp and constitute a fine wire. The dermatologist Ademir Júnior, member of the Brazilian Society of Aesthetic Medicine, explains that amino acids and proteins (meat, eggs and milk), for example, stimulate the growth and strengthening of the wires, while zinc (nuts, seafood, germ wheat and yeast) stimulates growth and reduces oiliness, and omega-3 and omega-6 (found in functional oils) help in wire hydration.


7. Seek medical attention if ...

Shampoos, conditioners and lotions easily found in pharmacies can indeed help control problems like dandruff, for example, but if the discomfort does not improve, it is best to consult a doctor. This is because the hair roots can hide very serious problems such as eczema - one peeling starting commonly with an allergy - psoriasis of the scalp, and even alopecia areata, which is one of the ways in which hair loss can manifest. "The doctor can also diagnose the problem more precisely, differentiating dandruff flaking, for example, and prescribe more effective drugs," explains Valcinir Bedin.


Written by

Manuela Pagan (Brazil)

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